![Photo for: Cultivating Cannabis Through the NFT method](https://static.thecannabisreader.com/en/blog/images/w/800/TheCannabisReader-06292022074146000000-62bc488a6d25c.jpg)
Growing cannabis is progressing, and growers appear to be looking for new ways to sustain growth techniques. Rather than relying on soil, growers investigate and experiment with new systems. When it comes to growing cannabis efficiently, the Nutrient Film Technique (NFT) has gained popularity.
While some people are intimidated by growing pot hydroponically, an NFT set-up can save you time, effort, and money. Many home gardeners enjoy growing in pots and compost, and it's easy to see why: pots are simple to use and inexpensive to set up.
Compost is also forgiving, acting as a buffer against pH changes and overfeeding. Best of all, you can get pretty good yields with compost and pots – plus, it's always fun to get your hands dirty!
When you first start, you have a lot on your plate, such as figuring out your growing environment and learning how your plants react to different light levels, food, and training. However, once you've dialed in your environment and are satisfied with your set-up, consider hydro for the best yields.
Many growers consider active hydroponics overly complicated, preferring hand-water pots or using passive hydroponic pot systems that require a capillary medium, such as compost or cocos. In reality, active hydroponics can be as simple or complex as you make it.
Source: Hemp Plant
The nutrient film technique can be applied to an indoor growth system in a hydroponic lab. In a structural sense, the NFT method is the same as the ebb and flow method. With cannabis legalization quickly becoming a reality in more states and countries, the country may be entering a prosperous age of (legal) cannabis cultivation.
And nothing beats growing your marijuana, which means not only you'll be aware of where the weed is coming from and the cultivation processes, but also you can ensure you have your supply – and at a fraction of the price you'd pay at a dispensary.
While many people are afraid to try to grow their marijuana because it appears difficult, there are still important fundamentals one must follow before jumping into farming cannabis.
What are the requirements for cannabis plants to thrive?
Cannabis, like any other plant, requires several necessities, including light, air, water, and nutrients, a location and method of cultivation, and careful temperature regulation.
What exactly is NFT?
NFT, or Nutrient Film Technique, is a continuous flow hydroponic system that has shown incredible results. NFT is used by advanced hydroponic growers worldwide and is widely regarded as one of the most productive single hydroponic systems available.
This method has traditionally been used to grow cannabis plants quickly and has proven effective.
Source: Greenhouse Grower
Utilization of NFT system for Cannabis production
The nutrient film technique is simple to implement because it involves using shallow streams of nutrient-filled water that are consistently re-circulated throughout the plant's root system.
Both the ebb and flow method and the nutrient film technique use water pumps to help provide nutrients to your cannabis garden. The ebb-flow method floods the cannabis plants and drains them repeatedly. Water flows in a small stream-like action in the NFT method. The flow rate is good when a litre of nutrient-rich water is applied every minute.
Doctor Allen Cooper discovered the NFT method in the early 1960s. This is the most preferred method in many hydroponic laboratories. Compared to methods like "Kratky" and "Wicking," it is quite effective. Furthermore, it is a healthier and more environmentally friendly method of cannabis cultivation.
The NFT system is a fantastic method of growing cannabis, allowing the grower to harvest a higher yield. In addition, because the process allows the roots to be watered directly, no medium is required. It makes it easier for the cultivator to harvest the plants when ready.
Source: Royal Queen Seeds
Comparison with other methods: Why choose NFT over other systems such as simple Pots?
-Faster growth and higher yields – you can achieve up to three times the yield of traditional soil growing.
-Simplicity – Once set up, it is a very simple operation; it is the set-up that takes time and dialing in.
-Water efficiency – Because NFT systems are self-contained and re-circulating, water loss is kept to an absolute minimum.
-Accurate feeding – Your plants consume only the amount of nutrient solution they require. They are not soaking in nutrients or drying out; they have everything they require.
-Fewer pests – The absence of soil or growing medium reduces the number of places where pests can breed.
Although the system's concept and mechanics are simple to understand and operate, we would classify it as a step from a basic Wick System or DWC system.
The cost of increased productivity is a finely balanced system that can occasionally malfunction. A simple power outage overnight could destroy the entire system and kill your plants.
In addition, the three basic hydroponic requirements (air, water, and nutrients) must be provided in a more balanced manner than in some simpler systems. For these reasons, if you are an intermediate or advanced hydroponic grower, we recommend installing an NFT system.
The widespread use of NFT as a productive hydroponic cultivation technique for everyday crops demonstrates its effectiveness as a productive hydroponic cultivation technique.
Advantages of using the NFT system for Cannabis production
There are many advantages to using the NFT system. It saves energy and water, which is the most important advantage when growing cannabis. The water is recycled during the process of using this method. As such, no water is lost except when the leaves transpire.
The nutrient film technique does not require any high-powered water pumps. In the reservoir, recycled water is kept as cold as possible. As a result, you will save time, money, and energy because you will not need to use a water chiller or a large water pump to grow cannabis.
The Water Pump
The water pump delivers pre-fertilized water to the grow tray, allowing the roots to become saturated. The grow tray is angled so that gravity allows water to flow continuously over the roots before draining into the pipe and returning to the reservoir.
The pump pulls the water out again at this point, and the process is repeated.
While the NFT system has many advantages, there are a few drawbacks to using it when growing cannabis. The main disadvantage is that moisture cannot be stored anywhere because the roots have no medium to grow in. As a result, if the water pump fails, the cannabis plants will receive no nutrients.
Following this, the cannabis plants will undoubtedly dry out and die. It is especially true if your hydroponic lab uses powerful grow lights. There are numerous ready-made Nutrient Film Technique systems on the market.
It is worthwhile to research individual models, read reviews and comments, and ask questions in growing forums. Consider the space you have. You'll need space in use for the system and plants and space to work around the system? What kind of grow lights are you going to use? The size of your NFT system should correspond to your lights' output.
Article by Ananya Bhattacharjee, Beverage Trade Network.