16/10/2021 How Do You Get the Word Out, With Tied Hands & Zipped Lips?
So you want to apply good marketing practices to your cannabis business. Tried and true methods that have stood the test of time. And for just about any other industry it would work.
Ah, but the complexities of navigating the cannabis industry at the moment can be more than a little daunting. Without Federal Legalization and regulation, each state that passes medical and adult-use programs has the responsibility and opportunity to regulate cannabis advertising any way they see fit.
There is a huge spider web of laws laid out for each state. Advertising is no different in that respect. There's no interstate commerce as of now, per federal law. This means each state make their own rules.
It can be difficult enough to focus on finance issues, licensing, research, products lines, health inspections, distribution, staffing, transportation, security, and the neverending state legislation changes. With marketing cannabis brands, you have to get incredibly creative. Some of the most creative minds are in the cannabis space.
Let's Play a Scenario...
(The following is a generalized scenario. It encompasses a lot of the rules from various states as it pertains to advertising. Each state has specific rules for marketing and advertising. Consult your state for specific information and regulations.)
You have struggled to raise capital after, making a stellar business plan. Investors are locked in. You have your license. You can picture all the beautiful cannabis plants thriving, in bloom. More than plant green is rolling around in your mind.
Just then you think, just how is this gonna be accomplished? How do I make my brand and promote it? How will people even know about my products? You pick up the paper that lists in so much detail, what you are not allowed to do. It's so thick it could be a door stopper.
Then you start to doubt yourself. Is it even possible to have a business in cannabis that is profitable? Can I reach customers, grow? So, instead, you dig in even deeper. Good for you!
Navigating advertising rules for cannabis are extremely tricky. A key to remember is that each state is different. If you only have businesses within one state, all you have to worry about is knowing and keeping up with that state's rules.
Next, you wonder how you can put any printed materials out without mentioning any reference to marijuana. No, you can't have a lighted sign on your building either. So what about old school?
Nope, no billboards.
So, you might have to hand out your product in little brown bags. Your logo not showing. You might not be able to include any collateral pieces in that bag.
Alright, at least you have social media. Well… that's a tricky one. There are a few platforms that are aimed towards being cannabis-friendly. But again, you have to be careful of the content you produce. Many of the mainstream social platforms have decidedly shut the cannabis industry out just for the mere mention of anything weed-related.
So where do you go from here? A good business strategy is to educate your staff on the regulations. Make sure they are fully updated on any regulatory changes immediately. Make sure everyone is on the same page.
Then brainstorm, collaborate and implement strategies that circumvent the rules. Don't move so close to the edge of the line of what's not acceptable. It takes work and imagination.
It can and is being done. Look at other models of cannabis businesses in your state. What are others doing to brand themselves? Are they being inventive? Innovativing new methods of marketing their product lines?
Marketing Wrapup
Until the US federal government passes sweeping legislative reform that includes rescheduling of marijuana, there will not be a uniform code across the board for marketers. Even if full legalization passes, each state can opt to follow federal guidelines, change its present rules or leave them be.
The cannabis industry is very young. Research into solid health benefits needs to ramp up. It is a slow-moving process, but it is moving forward.
Acceptance of cannabis and its compounds is increasing rapidly. Once acceptance is even more mainstream, there will be additional changes down the road. Rules for advertising and marketing may relax to accommodate a free market society in the cannabis world.
Written by Teresa Martin, Copywriter: Cannabis, Hemp, Medical